The Engineering Games of Quebec are the largest engineering competition in the province, as well as the largest engineering student gathering. Participants will have the opportunity to put their academic, technical, sporting and social skills to the test at this event. Delegations will need to demonstrate team spirit and surpass themselves to meet the challenges of the competition.

Machine Competition

Durée de 4 mois

The machine competition is one of the most challenging events of the Engineering Games.

The aim is to design a multi-disciplinary robotic machine capable of overcoming various challenges on a predefined course, while respecting a precise scale. During the four months leading up to the event, teams must invest time, ingenuity and creativity to meet the judges' expectations.

Entrepreneurship Competition

Durée de 4 mois

The entrepreneurial competition challenges participants to apply related skills in an innovative environment.

This competition includes the design and production of a prototype in response to a pre-defined problem, the drafting of a business plan justifying the choice of product, its viability and its implementation as an emerging company, as well as the preparation of a sales pitch in front of the judges to convince them of the effectiveness of the proposed solution to the problem. as an emerging company, and the preparation of a sales pitch to the judges to convince them of the effectiveness of the proposed solution to the problem.


The Capital

Durée de 6 heures

Concrete design of an innovative and multidisciplinary solution to a civil engineering problem. 

The Major

Durée de 6 heures

Putting a multidisciplinary robotic solution to a complex problem to the test in front of a panel of judges. 

Consulting Engineering

Durée de 4 heures puis 15 minutes de présentation

As a team, work out a technical recommendation pertaining to an issue relevant to current events and present it to a panel of judges.


The academic challenges encompass the six most commonly taught engineering disciplines in Quebec: civil, chemical, computer, mechanical, industrial, and electrical engineering.

Ces compétitions se déroulent lors d’une matinée où les équipes doivent répondre à un questionnaire théorique et réaliser une épreuve pratique, qui peut consister en un montage, une expérience de laboratoire ou une étude de cas liée à un domaine spécifique de l’ingénierie.

Thus, the delegations face a challenge that covers all the subjects addressed during their university education, providing a test worthy of the next generation of engineers!


Challenges participants' general knowledge in a trivia tournament.


Challenges participants' first instincts in a theatrical improv tournament in front of an audience and judges from the sponsors.

Oratory debates

Challenges participants' oratory skills in an argumentative confrontation based on the rules of debate and rhetoric.


La santé débute par un équilibre et une vie active! Ainsi, une journée est dédiée aux épreuves sportives. C’est l’occasion pour les délégations de se distinguer dans un domaine autre que l’ingénierie et de mettre en avant leur polyvalence. Chaque participant et participante doit faire rejoindre une des équipe sportive suivante: sport intérieur, sport extérieur, sport piscine, e-sport ou sport surprise.

It’s the perfect time to highlight teamwork and collective effort, two core values of the competition.